Home & Heart
Interiors Spring ‘23 Collection
Print + Graphics + Woven
The intersection of fine art & design - collection inspired from the ode to domesticity lithograph suite.

As somebody who considers themseleves to be both an artist and a designer in separate art fields, I’ve often wondered how to bridge these two into one. Truthfully, they may always remain two individual aspects of my creative identity.
I love creating worlds through printmaking - conversing with the images I’m (usually) printing onto a flat piece of paper. The printmaker in me adores the process, material, tactility, and community of print too much to fully step away. At the same time, the textile designer in myself treasures the manipulatable processes that spin story into fiber. Tasks such as drafting weave patterns, shifting patterns into half-drops, and scouring through archives for trend inspiration introduce the same element of process. Materialty and tactility of textiles directly influence one another, whereas printmaking keeps these elements mostly separate from the final piece.
As I worked on these lithographs, I was reminded of my love for pattern and the ways it presents itself in my life. Incorporating tiny patterns on the bedsheets, rugs, and other drawn elements expands upon the intimacy of the captured moment.
The revitalization of craft during 2020-2022 invited a vibrant joy into the personal living space of myself and countless others. As this trend moves though the interior landscape, it’ll shift to a more polished curation.

Image source list available upon request.
Collection Overview






Hearth - Trim


Daylight - Woven

